Thursday, June 30, 2011

People who need people.

After 10 years in the public eye as a restaurant owner I have come to learn one (of many) valuable lessons
People are ...

I know, you are saying,  "Diva, people are what?   I am hanging on your every word.  Where is this taking us.... What journey of literary and mental explore do we have set before us..?"

Well..  That's all I've got.   People ARE...

They are rude, when they want to be.  They don't care if they hurt you.  Your a service industry person... you are below all else.  

They are right.  All the time.  No possible mind change or value for another's opinion.  They know what they said, wanted, had, felt... And YOU ARE WRONG.

They are spiteful.  They believe they are to be treated better than anyone else in the world and when they FEEL they are not.. They lash out and tell every one and their mothers that I am the worst person in the universe.  

THEY ARE GREEDY.  After all that they will call you two weeks later for a donation, money, free food, special service or my ever favorite 'I have a friend who needs a job'.

but then there are the ones that make your life....
They Are REAL...   They tell you when they get mad at you and talk to you about it.
They Are Sincere...  After that they work it out with you and you grow from knowing them.
They Are Encouraging...  Then they tell others that they really love you and have faith in what you are doing.
They Are Friends...  They just listen  and tell NO ONE.  The believe in you and no matter what they hear around town, they choose to only believe the best.

Yes, my friends... People Are People...
I love them,  I can't stand them, I need them....
Such is life...  So I choose to enjoy all the many diverse "People Are's" I can find.  Learn from them how I need to "are" in my life.  And pray for patience with those who "are" not so caring.

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