Thursday, June 23, 2011

Diva Described /or Never Spite a Melanie!

Perhaps what you vision a Diva is not what my description of Diva is.  For me Diva is that person that walks into a room and commands - not DE-mands attention.   They unknowingly control the environment around them.
This has been me.  Sometimes completely unknowingly... other times, yes, I planed and manipulated the situation to put me in the forefront... Why LIE!  

First stories First..
Melanie Spite...
My kindergarten best friend.  She came into my life and I was enamored.  I adored her.  She was as cute as I was, had curls - not as curly as mine - and a sweet smile I remember to this day.  And ...  She was a Show Boat!    Before long, little cute Melanie had her own "catch phrase".   Out of NO WHERE!  I could sing and perform at the drop of a hat... but never in a million years did I ever think, Hey... I need a catch phrase.   She out showed me!

At any given moment of true or trumped up frustration, adorable Melanie would announce  "Stuffed Bananas!"  And my brothers.. MY BROTHERS!  would fawn with adoration on her.  "She is so cute... You've got competition JP (Janie Pie).. Adorable!"    I loved her and hated her all in one emotion.
She was getting MY attention!   But She was my best friend and favorite person.  Heck!  I thought it was adorable and tried to get her to say it.   One day I took "Pokey Little Puppy" (her favorite book) and hid it just so she would say to the Sunday School teacher ..  "I wanted to read it again, Stuffed Bananas!"   I mean really - that is quite adorable.   How dare she.

I pondered Sunday after Sunday how I would win the crowds back.  My long Banana curls drew attention one Sunday morning only to be followed by an announcement by Mel that they looked like bananas all right.... Stuffed Bananas.!...     Really!   My naturally curly flaming red high lit mahogany brown tresses that total strangers would dote on was now a part of HER attention bit?   What a world.

Months went by.  I was loosing the crowd week after week.   She was becoming the Diva!
Then one Sunday morning it happened!   Like a light from the heavens.  My brother chose a song.  Not A song... THE song.   This is it,I thought!   I can sing!  I sing good!   I don't want to be mean to Mel to get attention... This is it!   My favorite Song.
My brother, who was directing the congregation in music, began to sing a hymn.... There is a song that Jesus gave me... It was sent from heaven above... . (this was where I stood on the pew next to mom and belted from the tip of my toes!) There never was a sweeter Melanie!  She's the Melanie I Love.....
In    My    Heart   There    Rings a Melanie, there Rings a Melanie in Heaven's harmony..!
The auditorium all looked and smiled.   Melanie blushed and tossed her curls.  She was enthralled!  She was honored...  She was trumped!   My brother began to giggle and could hardly direct.  My mom was so proud she wanted to burst.   My neighbor's dad said out loud that I was the most adorable child he had ever seen.  So beautiful, and so sweet.     Oh, that was my moment!  And I milked it for all it was worth.  Any time that "Stuffed Bananas" came out..   Rings a Melanie was the tune dujour.

This was my moment of realization of how I work.  I may have only been 4 or 5, but I knew exactly what I was doing, and who I was.   I loved to be the center of attention.  I was  born the center of attention...  I love to entertain.  I love people.  I am true to my friends, even if they are not so true to me.  I would never put one down, to lift myself up.  That would be . . . rude.    (another of Mel's phrases.. How Rude!)    I would rather draw attention to myself by building up or showing off someone I love.   I still do this today.  More with my kids than anything.
Let's face it.   My kids are fantastic... but they didn't become that without good parenting.  Oh.. did I just do that.  Reality check.  Yes..  If it were not for my and my husbands teaching and mentoring my kids would be vagrants and hot heads.  They don't want to do anything and they have the tempers that resemble nuclear warfare.  Push the button and it deploys!   By patience and love, they have been shaped into individuals who keep their personalities, but know how to control the selfish nature.  Of course i am blessed.  I give props to the Creator.  But I would be lying if I said that when people comment on my kid's uniqueness and independent strength, I don't get a little puffed up, I know how they got that way..     Knowing that my work with my children brought someone joy.  Yep...Then I have a bit of a Diva Moment.

As for the song...  It is remembered by many to this day.  I wonder if Melanie remembers, I know my brothers still sing Melanie...


  1. Awesome Donna! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Oh just wait... My entire Life will be on here soon...
