Tuesday, June 28, 2011

IKEA - My new mecca...?

I trekked to Ohio today with a friend.  We found our way to Ikea.  She needed a bed.  I needed nothing.

Now, I have been to IKEA before.  2 times before.  I loved the compact living space concept.  I adored the little bathroom sinks and stylish doors on every thing.   I love their use of red.   I love the unique use of wall space.

I love the furniture.. the couches...

I am not a big fan of their textiles.  Or the food.  I'ts ok mind you.. but - that takes me to the next stop...
(she got her bed, I got candles and kitchen sundry)

JUNGLE JIM'S... Fairfield Ohio.
They have cheese.... and cheese... and Irish cheese, and french, denmark, norway, and france and wow!

They have shrimp the size of your hand.  I can't get even started on the wine selection... Today I did not allow myself to even step in that direction (although 2 moscado did find their way in the cart).
They have a health food section the size of a small grocery!   Just the health food!...  The produce section is half a kroger!  (jewel for you northerners).
I strolled around the bakery for 20 minutes... I got a baguette, and a batard, a sourdough and an Italian loaf.
A strawberry cream cheese puff, and apple turnovers for Andrew and Strawberry Cream Cheese for Alex.
 (Alex was devastated that I did not take him - he is a foodie as well).  I also got a chocolate croissant..  i love those.

Diet decimated I went to the section I had been dying to check out.  The Egyptian/Medeteranian area.  Wow.. I have some cool stuff to cook.  couscous... Butter Chicken (curry chicken), a pasta that I can't pronounce...

Then i ran quickly past the cooking sundries - NO MORE STUFF!  

Ireland... oh how drab your flavors ... but how cute your wares...

England.. .mmm nope..

GERMANY - the land of chocolate... I had to....  and I did.
I will be working out a lot tomorrow.
enough said.

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